We are a dynamic research group at the Mechanical Engineering Department at Carnegie Mellon University. Our aim is to develop new engineering design, analysis, and manufacturing technologies through the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and optimization.
To this end, our research focuses on generating new algorithmic and methodological knowledge, all demonstrated and validated through computational software. Our research projects are centered around the following core foundations and applications:
Core Foundations | Applications | |
The Word Cloud from our publications (2014 onward):
We are grateful for the funding and support of these sponsors:
Our paper on soft tissue deformation tracking using fiducial marker optimization has been accepted to IJCARS!
October 2019Our lab is a part of the newly formed Center of Excellence: Data-Driven Discovery of Optimized Multifunctional Material Systems, funded by AFRL!
September 2019Our paper on deep reinforcement learning for global routing has been accepted to JMD!
September 2019We welcome Vidhi, Willetta and Ruchit to our lab!
August 2019We presented four papers at this year's IDETC in Anaheim, CA!
August 2019Prof. Kara gave a talk at Auotdesk Research Toronto as part of the AI for Engineering Summer School.
June 2019Our lab just got four new Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080ti machines for our deep learning research!